My favorite album of the year was Quantic's Flowering Inferno: "Dog With A Rope". Love this guy and every genre of music he's ever touched. In this case, just about every form of South American and Caribbean music out there. He has a way of modernizing classic forms, but never compromises them to do so. Have listen if you get a chance and dig "world music" (Hate this term).
Also as the celebration of the New Year draws near, I just wanted to share a list of great music that I considered some of my Top Downloaded Songs of 2010 . All songs were released this year and proved to be worthy jams for years to come. Have a listen if curiosity grabs you and have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
Just in time for the year to turn over, I've completed my year end synopsis of 2010. I've already fielded some comments from people who haven't been included, or included with limited exposure. My advice for those seeking exposure on next year's video.....WORK HARDER!!! Those bored with the in-between, forward to the last minute and a half. I'm getting good feedback for the year-end dance portion.
Over the duration of the past few months, I've had my attention drawn toward all that is the modern day blog. I've experienced friends creatively posting life experiences and interests. I've stumbled upon random blogs while searching for a specific item or subject. These sites have many times become very useful. Each respective blog always seems to hold at least one thing I can draw something from and/or learn something new. So, I figured it was about time to jump on board and end this form of useful and informative expression. A forum where I can spout my thoughts and interests. I'll be sharing, but also sparing the beloved folks I hold near and dear that usually get forcefully shelled by my interests on other forums such as Facebook. This blog will create a medium of voluntary punishment by all that brave exposure to my interests and opinions. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you the love-child of my current time surplus; my new monster, Daily Hot Garbage.
Things to expect? Primarily items of personal interest I'll try to push onto the internets as a poor attempt at self glorification. Things I'll dream will be hoisted to a broad audience, but in reality fall onto the eyes of a few mercy glimpses; typically fueled by boredom. Am I getting this blog thing right yet? Good, now to move forward...
Seriously, I dig my life and those around me. I'm fortunate to be surrounded by a good core group of people. At times I have different views on things and always welcome feedback, information, and suggestions. I'd like to make this blog a representation of the things that fill and surround my life. I believe one's life is about continued development and evolution. I also think the good things a person discovers over life's journey should be shared constructively with aim to enrich others.
Now, staring down the barrel of the New Year, I thought what better time to explore this useful form of modern expression. I just hope a thing or two I express or introduce may land upon a few folks who may have a curiosity to see the underbelly of my world and what makes it tick. Maybe I'll even have someone learn something as well (poor soul)? But overall, look forward to this site being geared primarily toward music, cycling, the great outdoors, traveling, and ample stream of random rants and tangents. So....sit back relax and watch it all burn. ;)